Overcoming Burnout

Overcoming Burnout-Real-life Strategies for Burnout Recovery and Prevention. 

Career burnout is becoming a silent epidemic, and it is something that many deal with on their own without seeking the help of others. Many people in our society work jobs or run businesses that run us into the ground and causing substantial mental health issues. And many get caught up in this vicious circle of physical and mental exhaustion and don’t know how to recover from the awful effects of burnout.

Are you burned out?

Overcoming Burnout Book

In Overcoming Burnout, I take a hard and sometimes difficult look into career burnout. I have interviewed over a dozen individuals who have decided to share their stories of burnout and the solutions they implemented to recover from burnout. I interview people who have had substantial health challenges, including heart attacks and health issues that medical professionals could not diagnose, as well as those who have packed up everything they owned and moved across the country to start a new life. Because sometimes, you have to burn the boats.

I have interviewed executives and CEOs, professionals in marketing and sales, creatives, customer service professionals, coaches, and therapists. And many others.

And I have assembled a remarkable group of experts who share their insight into what it takes to recover from burnout and live a life free from career burnout and have Peace of Mind moving forward.

From learning how to set boundaries, understand your personal values, learn how to say NO, and identify an unhealthy workplace and culture. Understanding what mindfulness is. Hint, it’s not just meditation.

And the big one is understanding that you were the co-founder of your burnout.

In the book Overcoming Burnout, you will learn the more significant symptoms of burnout, what it feels like to be burned out, and through the stories of others, relate to the challenges of having a demanding career that is causing you physical and mental exhaustion.

This is a street-smart look at career burnout. It is not a clinical research project. These are real stories and real solutions for overcoming and preventing burnout.

I also share my personal story of entrepreneur burnout. It’s the reason I decided to write this book because I know others are living in silence when it comes to their burnout.

If you or someone you love is burned out, it’s important for you to read this book. You will learn so much from the experiences of others and the experts that have taken the time to share their knowledge.

Some of the content is heavy as I share stories of people’s battles with burnout and the mental health challenges that come with that. This book is not meant to scare anyone. It is intended to show you that if you do not address burnout, it can have catastrophic consequences in your life and in the lives of others around you.

I want to help you recover from burnout and prevent it from happening again!

Ready to take control of your burnout?