Why Podcasting?

Why should I launch a podcast?

Podcasting helps you build your own audience, turns you into a thought leader, and can be a driving force behind building revenue for your business.

Contact me to launch your podcast!

But make sure you read below to find out the tremendous value in launching your podcast.

There’s an old saying and I have no idea who actually coined this phrase, but the saying goes, “the train has left the station.” And right now in the world of marketing and public relations, the podcasting train is well on its way in gaining a head of steam, and much credibility in the way we market our businesses, and the way we create awareness around our expertise as an organization.

Many professionals in the business world still feel that podcasting is nothing more than that 16 year old kid in his basement talking about video games and other topics. But you would be wrong in assuming that. It has become one of the most effective tools in marketing, public relations and digital marketing.

Many business professionals and organizations still have not embraced the concept of a podcast and they’re missing out on the tremendous power this platform can provide on number of levels. But guess what? Many of us as business professionals also took long periods of time to embrace the world of social media. Many thought it was a waste of time, and many in the marketing world could not wrap their head around it. But now, it seems our world revolves around social media both in business and our personal lives. In short, we can’t escape it at this point. Social media has taken a massive bite out of traditional media and there is no turning back.

Podcast Production Companies

And now, podcasting!

Before you tell yourself and your team that you are not going to participate in the podcasting world, I encourage you to read on and check out the tremendous benefits to participating in this growing and powerful platform.

Podcasting is the new Public Relations

Getting traditional media coverage for a business or other organization has been in decline for over a decade now. The news media industry continues to struggle to say the least. In large part social media has taken over where people go for information, news and entertainment, and it has taken a massive bite out of advertising revenue that traditional media companies enjoyed for many years. This presents a perfect storm for these companies.

In short, it is much more difficult to get traditional media coverage currently. Many PR agencies would like to promise big things, and massive amounts of media coverage, but the reality is, it is just not there for most organizations.

Is it impossible to get media coverage? No, but you need to be far more strategic if you are going to enjoy any kind of traditional media coverage.

Becoming a guest on a podcast, and getting your voice heard from a niche audience, just might be a much more effective way to publicize your business and your expertise.

Launching and producing your own podcast, is the best of both worlds, allowing you to control your message and reach new audiences on your own. You may think it’s time consuming, and yes there is some work involved, but the payoff can be huge if you remain consistent with your efforts.

Become your own media company

I think Gary Vee said it best. In this environment you have to become your own media company. You cannot rely on traditional media to create awareness for your organization anymore.

I spent years running a traditional public relations firm in Boston, and before that I spent a decade in a very high profile public relations position. I was around more television cameras and in more radio studios than I can count. From me, it was the ultimate thrill when I could get a TV spot for my client or book them on a radio program. But you had to rely on so many factors to actually get press coverage. Everything from the interest from the media outlet or journalists, the availability of a TV crew, breaking news, other urgent news matters and current events. These all played a role in whether you would get media coverage.

If there is one clear benefit to operating in today’s digital environment, it’s that you do not have to wait for anybody or any external factors to get your message out to your audience and others. Maybe the guest who had booked on your podcast didn’t show up or messed up the time, but other than that I can’t think of a single reason or other external factor that would prohibit you from getting your message out on your own. OK, maybe your Internet connection went out. But other than that, there is no reason. The power of podcasting!

What are the measurable benefits of podcasting?

There are so many benefits for an organization to operate in the world of podcasting and many of those benefits are clearly overlooked.

First, as we mentioned above you get to control your message. You control the show content, brand as well as the discussion and outcomes. It’s your show!

Build an audience

You also have the ability to build a brand-new audience and educate your existing audience. Building an audience takes time, patience and consistency. That much we know to be true. You have to stay with it and produce a podcast on a regular schedule in order to see results. Many feel they’re going to start a podcast and immediately see massive amounts of downloads. It’s just a reality check, but that does not happen overnight and if you were going to get into the world of podcasting you should understand this. You need to be in for the long haul.

But building your own audience is possible. There are people out there searching for topics on many podcast platforms. And if you construct your podcast correctly, your ultimate audience will eventually find you.

Create lots of content

Next, and it is often overlooked by many organizations, is the fact that you have the opportunity to produce massive amounts of additional content from one podcast episode. The examples include posting your podcast and show notes to your website each week which can only help you with search engine optimization. You can create short little videos promoting your podcast to post on your social media platforms, and you can create what we call audio grams which is a still image with an audio file and a waveform that moves with additional captions. Again posting that file on social media. If you create a 30-minute podcast you have endless opportunities to create short bursts of additional content.

Also, posting your podcast episodes on your website can help a customer or client make a final decision when they want to do business with you. Your expertise in the form of a podcast might just help them make a decision and pick up the phone.


Let’s create a scenario in which you can duplicate over and over again. You host a podcast episode and of course you have a guest. You connect with that guest on social media such as LinkedIn or Twitter and when you post your podcast episode you also tag that individual in your post. You have now entered their world.

Next, you provide them the marketing assets they need to promote your podcast. You supplied them the necessary links to the podcast, and any show graphics you have created. Will they share it? Of course they will because they are featured on the podcast. Once again, you have now gained access to their network and audience.

Sharing your expertise

There are not many marketing platforms out there today that allow you to share your expertise and knowledge as in depth as the podcasting world. And while I say marketing platforms, podcasting really is a form of public relations and awareness building.

When you host a podcast episode, or are asked to be a guest on someone else’s podcast, that allows you enormous amounts of time to share your expertise and allow the listener to really get to know you in a much more intimate setting than even reading a small newspaper article.

When you are asked to participate in a newspaper or Business Journal article, or even asked for your expertise for a television spot, you may be able to squeeze in a few quotes, but that would be the extent of your exposure. Now, make no mistake about it, I love the power of traditional public relations and what even a small appearance on television station can do for you. It adds massive amounts of credibility to you in your business. But it is limited in the amount of your expertise you can share. In the podcasting world, people and potential customers get to know you.

And when they call you, they feel like they already know you. There are not many platforms out there in digital marketing that provide that opportunity.

How do I start a podcast?

You can start, host and produce a podcast on your own. And while yes, we do offer podcast production services here, depending on how busy you are in your business, will dictate what level you want to get involved in the podcasting world. For companies and entrepreneurs that are just too busy, we do suggest hiring a podcast production company to help you with the process and remaining consistent.

But first you want to brainstorm what your podcast theme will be, and what your podcast will be all about. If you are in a narrow industry, you might just have to get a little creative to create a sustainable podcast.

Research other podcasts in your industry and try to come up with something that will separate you from the rest.

Brand your podcast including show graphics, colors, and theme to tell everyone what your podcast is about.

Draft scripts to tell people what your podcast is about, write out scripts for show introduction an ending. Unless you have a voice for radio, you may want to hire a professional voiceover artist to record your introduction to put a shine on the beginning of each podcast episode.

You will also want to choose a podcast platform to host your podcast. Depending on your goals, there are a handful a very effective podcast platforms that will host your podcast files. You can connect those files to iTunes , Google podcasts, and a host of other distribution platforms.

You will also want to secure the correct equipment for your podcast. You will want to get a microphone that makes the podcast, at least on your end sound good. And if you are recording podcasts on your own with no guest, you will need some type of recording equipment. These come in many price points including downloadable software as well as other portable recording equipment. If you are interviewing guests, one of the most common ways to record a podcast is through Zoom.

If you are not using a podcast production company, you will need to find a way to edit your podcasts. Again, there are some very cost-effective software programs that you can purchase that are easy to learn. But for the best results, you should hire a podcasting professional.

Create an ongoing list of show topics. It is best in the beginning to try and creating master list of topics you want to cover for your industry; however you will get inspiration almost daily for additional show topics. You will also stumble on others online, and articles that are written, and you will be inspired to invite those people on your podcast.

Stay consistent. While some podcasts take off, one of the tried and true ways to grow a podcast is organically. You have to be patient. And you have to issue a podcast on a regular basis. I suggest weekly, but it is entirely up to you how often you want to issue a podcast. Just be consistent or you will not see any growth.

How to be a guest on podcasts?

Securing a guest interview on a podcast is much like securing traditional media coverage. Many of the same approaches must be taken in order to win over that podcast host or producer. Doing so will allow you to gain the credibility with them and get connected.

First, do your research. If you were going to send out a bulk email 20 podcast producers with the same message, you will see little if any results.

Research past episodes of that podcast you are targeting and listen to some episodes. A host or producer can tell if you have never listened to their podcast. You may think this is time consuming, but you will make less mistakes and more friends if you do this work up front.

Supply that host or producer with the opportunity for an engaging discussion. Most people listen to podcasts to learn something. If you cannot accomplish this goal right up front, your chances of getting a guest spot will be diminished greatly. In short, make sure you add value and personalize your pitch.

Be patient and stay consistent. Just like pitching a TV station or newspaper, this type of public relations, requires you to be patient and in for the long haul. You will also need to learn how to take no for an answer. Not every pitch to be on a podcast will be successful. Add value and you will increase your chances.

If you want to start your own podcast and enjoy the tremendous marketing and public relations benefits, contact me today.

If you need help finding the right podcasts to be a guest on and securing those interviews, I would love to be of service to you. I take my decades of traditional public relations experience with every pitch we create.

I look forward to helping you!